Lakeland Roads events, operated by Lakeland Trails, are family-friendly and inclusive and we believe everybody, irrespective of age, ability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation or socio-economic background should be able to participate in, and enjoy, our events in a safe environment and be safeguarded from harm.
We acknowledge we have a duty of care and that some adults and children can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we will take reasonable steps to ensure their safety and welfare.
We are committed to ensuring our safeguarding practices effectively reflect statutory responsibilities and relevant guidance.
We will ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of an incident or concern about abuse and will signpost those who raise concerns to appropriate agencies.
We will ensure, as far as is practicable with regards to any necessary action which needs to be taken, that confidentiality is maintained and accurate records of incidents are recorded.
The Event Manager / Event Director will undertake regular Safeguarding Training to enable them to identify risks and to address concerns in an appropriate way.
Any incidents of concern can be reported to any member of the Crew at an event, who in turn will report back to the Event Manager / Director. Concerns can also be raised by email to
Last updated: 5/12/24 by Phil Blaylock
Next review: 5/12/25